
The classified priority is a number from 0 to 7 where 0 is the lowest priority and 7 is the highest priority.

1. Strict scheduling.

Strict scheduling is the default behaviour at egress.

A port has eight priority queues and frames in the highest priority queue are always transmitted before frames in lower priority queues.

If shapers are needed on one or more of these eight priority queues then the mqprio qdisc can be used.

The mqprio qdisc does nothing by itself but serves as an attachment point for shapers.

To create an mqprio qdisc on eth0 and attach a cbs shaper on priority queue 4:

# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1:0 mqprio
# tc qdisc replace dev eth0 parent 1:5 handle 2 cbs \
  idleslope 10000 sendslope -990000 hicredit 15 locredit -990 offload 1

The mqprio handle is 1:0 and the major part is 1. The minor part of a qdisc handle must always be 0.

The cbs parent is 1:5 where the major part (1) must match the major part of the mqprio handle and the minor part (5) designates priority queue 4.

The minor part is always offset by one and minor part 5, therefore, corresponds to priority queue 4.

See the Priority Shaping section on the Shaping page for a description of the supported shapers and their parameters.

2. Strict and DWRR scheduling.

Default is that the frames are subject to the strict priority shaper algorithm.
It can be configured that priorities are subject to Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS). These are the lowest priorities so that transmission from strict priorities are always done first.

Configuration is done using the tc qdisc add ets command.
This command configures bands as either strict or bandwidth-sharing (DWRR).
According to tc-ets(8) man page:

When dequeuing, strict bands are tried first, if there are any. Band 0 is tried first.

This means that the first band - band 0 - has the highest priority. In the Microchip switch, there are 8 priorities 0-7 and it is priority 7 that has the highest priority. This is not configurable.
This means that Band 0 always equals to Priority 7.

This command configures a mix of strict and ETS priorities:

tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1: root ets bands 8 strict 5 quanta 1000 1000 1000 priomap 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The device (port) is eth0.
The handle for this tc is 1:
There are (always) 8 bands
The first 5 bands are strict.
The next 3 bands have an equal quanta of 1000.
The priomap is (always) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The quanta parameter gives the DWRR weight for each band. In this case 1/3 of the bandwidth to each band.
The priomap is configuring per priority what the related band is - Priority 0 is the first in the list. As Priority 0 has the lowest priority it maps to band 7 that is the band with the lowest priority. The priomap must always be configured as shown above.

This command changes the quantum parameter for a specific band.

tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1: root ets bands 8 strict 5 quanta 600 300 100 priomap 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
tc class change dev eth0 classid 1:6 ets quantum 800

The device (port) is eth0.
The classid is 1:6
the quantum is 800

According to tc-ets(8) man page:

The minor number of `classid` to use when referring to a band is the band number increased by one.

So in this case the changed band is 5 - the first bandwidth-sharing band.

3. Time-Aware Scheduling

Time-aware scheduling, as described in IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 Section, is implemented using the taprio qdisc.

A cyclic schedule opens and closes each priority queue relative to a known timescale, e.g. controlled via PTP.

When a queue is closed all frames are held back in the queue and when it opens again the frames are transmitted again in priority order.

A taprio qdisc is created using the tc qdisc command.

# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1:0 taprio \
  num_tc 8 queues 1@0 1@1 1@2 1@3 1@4 1@5 1@6 1@7 map 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \
  flags 2 base-time 0 cycle-time 50000000 \
  sched-entry S 0x80 10000000 \
  sched-entry S 0x7f 40000000

The taprio qdisc is a little more complicated to set up as the tc taprio command does not (yet) support the same defaults as the tc mqprio command. Here you must manually set up the number of traffic classes, the mapping from traffic class to priority, and flags that indicates HW offload.

The rest of the parameters are for the time-aware scheduler configuration:

  • base-time - The PTP time when the cycle should start. Set to 0 if the cycle should start immediately.

  • cycle-time - The total cycle-time in nanoseconds.

  • sched-entry - A single entry in the schedule where S is the command 'SetGateStates' followed by a mask that selects the queues to open (LSB is the lowest priority queue) and finally the duration of the entry in nanoseconds.

In the example above the cycle-time is 50 milliseconds, queue 7 is open for 10 milliseconds and all other queues are open for 40 milliseconds. This cycle repeats forever.

It is possible to add a shaper on one or more of the eight priority queues in the same way as on the mqprio qdisc.

See the Priority Shaping section on the Shaping page for a description of the supported shapers and their parameters.